
Here are some hints for developers looking to contribute to pyage.

Install with Pipenv

Pipenv has the advantage that it allows for exact locking of the dependency versions. This allows developers to replicate a Python environment as accurately as possible.


$ pipenv install --dev

One can then spawn a shell in the virtual environment:

$ pipenv shell

The resulting shell should already have all development tools included (see next section).

Development Tools

The following tools may aid the development process:

  • black: Enforces a PEP8-like coding style

  • flake8: General purpose Python linter

  • isort: Sorts imports alphabetically, grouped by origin as suggested in PEP8

  • pytest: Unit test framework, extended with coverage statistics

  • mypy: Static type checking using Python’s type hints

  • sphinx: HTML documentation generation from reStructuredText and docstrings

  • versioneer: Automatically sets package version from Git tags

Running Unit Tests

Pyage aims to have decent test coverage. For this purpose, almost every file has a corresponding [...] file. As a test framework, pytest is used. Tests can be run as follows:

$ pytest

Automatic Quality Checks for Git Commits

Pyage uses pre-commit in order to automatically execute some code quality checks on files staged for commit (see file .pre-commit-config.yaml). Assuming pre-commit is installed globally, the corresponding hooks can be set up with

$ pre-commit install

Note that the Git hooks expect an installation with Pipenv.

Build Documentation Locally

The documentation can be built locally using Sphinx and a Makefile:

$ cd docs
$ make

The results can be found in the directory docs/build, e.g. docs/build/index.html.