pyage ===== .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: Introduction ------------ *age* is a command line tool for file encryption. The project was started by `Filippo Valsorda (@filosotille) `_ and `Ben Cox (@benjojo12) `_ at ``_. *pyage* is not an official implementation! Its goal is rather to understand the usage and inner workings of *age*. A more "official" version has been implemented by Filippo and is available `on his github page `_. The source code repository of this project can be found at `GitHub `_. About the documentation ----------------------- This documentation is structured in four parts: * :ref:`tutorials` should be your gateway into *pyage*. It's aimed to be a starting point, guiding you through the installation process to encrypting (and decrypting) your first file. * :ref:`guides` explain some common day-to-day workflows and how to solve them using *pyage*. It's definitely more advanced than the :ref:`tutorials`, however, there is no need to know about the inner workings of *pyage*. * :ref:`reference` describes the machinery behind *pyage*. It mostly consists of the API reference and should be your reference if you'd like to poke into *pyage*'s source code. * :ref:`background` contains background information about *pyage* and *age* in general. It's goal is to shed some light into the design decision behind *age*. Table of Contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: tutorials.rst guides.rst reference.rst background.rst development.rst Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`